BlahBlah... :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I have an irritated and fearful feelings for cockroaches from the time when a cockroach came from somewhere and landed on my head, it moved around until I felt something on my head, it was not long before I discovered that it was a cockroach. I swept it away as fast as I can, of course. It fell down my cheeks and ended up on the floor before it scrambled away. Since then, my irritation and fear began to grow little by little, every time I see a cockroach.

After the incident, I got a little shock for about a minute, and right after that I scream as loud as possible. After all that, I ran at a lightning speed to get my clothes and bathed very early, earlier than my usual bathing time. Then, later that night, I ran to tell my mum and she asked me whether I had a shock, did I have a thorough bath after that and did I do it immediately or not. My grandma overheard then that day, she scared me a few times by saying that there is a cockroach at my head. I actually had a scare and jumped a few times when she did that.

As days go by, whenever I see a cockroach, I take the nearest magazine or newspaper to hit it a few times, and there is always a sound when i do that, or i will use insecticide to kill it.

My RANDOM Words9:18 PM

Saturday, January 30, 2010

This photo is taken last year on the 13 Feb, it was my friends', Venice, birthday party and it is at her house. Me and my friend, JiaYing, came late because our mother tongue teacher kept us back for not doing some work. He he. Then they already started the first game, which is the three legged game. So, we became the last pair to play. later on, we get into a circle to drink some fizzy water. After that, someone suggested playing a game named 'Truth or Dare', but it is not fun as nobody wants to choose 'Dare', so we carried on until the Pizza delivery came and there are two flavours to choose from, there is the Hawaiian and the Pepperoni, most of us wants the Hawaiian Pizza because it is very delicious. And then, we end with a game of water bomb!! and that is how we got so wet. And we took this photo in the end, but it was edited by one of my friend which went to the party too.

My RANDOM Words8:02 PM

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hi people,
My name is Bernice Tan. I am turning 13 this year, I previously study in Lakeside Primary School, but now i study in Henderson Secondary. I love to eat alot, i spent most of my money buying food. :) I feel proud being a Hendersonian, since i am one now, I will make henderson proud of me when i graduate. As the school Aphorism says "Today I am Proud of Henderson, Tomorrow Henderson will be proud of me." I feel that my friends are more of a family than my real family, but my fathers dotes on me alot, but lesser when my baby step-brother is born. Same goes to my paternal grandma.

My Hobbies seem to be the reverse of my personality. I seem to be a tomboyish girl, but my hobby is actually reading and listening to music! I love to read interesting(my definition of interesting are mysteries and vampire books, action books)books, sometimes i even forgot to eat lunch/dinner when i am carried away in the stories. Listening to music is the best way to calm your nerves, so i usually listen to music when i am angry and my anger will eventually float away with the music. When i am doing my homework, i will also accompany it with some music, and because of the rythm, i surprisingly did my homework in a faster pace.
So thats for all now, Goodbye.

My RANDOM Words10:52 PM