BlahBlah... :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I have an irritated and fearful feelings for cockroaches from the time when a cockroach came from somewhere and landed on my head, it moved around until I felt something on my head, it was not long before I discovered that it was a cockroach. I swept it away as fast as I can, of course. It fell down my cheeks and ended up on the floor before it scrambled away. Since then, my irritation and fear began to grow little by little, every time I see a cockroach.

After the incident, I got a little shock for about a minute, and right after that I scream as loud as possible. After all that, I ran at a lightning speed to get my clothes and bathed very early, earlier than my usual bathing time. Then, later that night, I ran to tell my mum and she asked me whether I had a shock, did I have a thorough bath after that and did I do it immediately or not. My grandma overheard then that day, she scared me a few times by saying that there is a cockroach at my head. I actually had a scare and jumped a few times when she did that.

As days go by, whenever I see a cockroach, I take the nearest magazine or newspaper to hit it a few times, and there is always a sound when i do that, or i will use insecticide to kill it.

My RANDOM Words9:18 PM